One Of Our Local Markets
Tonight the birthday festivities begin for Elle. She was the first one to have a birthday when we lived in Marseille, and will now be the first one to have a birthday in Asia. She is at full throttle with party plans. Dad will act like he is having a really good time at the "Flower Fairy Tea Party" this afternoon and the "Lord Of The Rings Party" tomorrow. Since it just the 4 of us it demands full participation. Wahoo. I think it is the pink feather I have to wear that bothers me so much. A couple of years ago my buddy (The LA Homicide Dick) dressed up like Robin Hood at Stanley's Bday party. I guess if he can do it...I can. I just hope this doesn't lead to conversing with animals?
It is amazing how long it takes to just "live" here. I know it is much better than some places, but our shopping has to be done almost daily. Our refrigerator is the size of one of those office fridges. The bread only last for the day, the milk is sold warm in boxes, the frozen corn looks like "feed corn", and the chocolate comes in really little bars. You need a case of them to feel like you tasted the stuff.
But, the great part about all that is the relationships you form. Less than two weeks into Istanbul and we already have several friendships with vendors, shop owners and neighbors. We have folks stopping in at our apartment to see if we need help. We have been totally amazed at how deep the relationships run here. After all, that is what we are all about...getting into the lives of those who live on the far side of the World...and telling their stories.

(Pics from Google Images)
did you take this picture?
Melek, No I didn't. Out of the hundreds of pictures on our site there are probably 10 or less that we borrowed from Google Images. Most of the borrowed pics give credit to Google if the photogs name wasn't available....you will see our "pics from Google Images" credit next to the comment section.
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