Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Bits and Pieces

Word is out that the Stewards need help. Yesterday our little Village of Kazasker in Istanbul jumped to life to help us organize our move and a bathroom remodel. (For the complete post click on the Metroblogging link to your right). We are neck deep in chaos, no water and no toilet…but we have a great group of locals that have come to bat for us.

Today they went to work and bashed the daylights out of this 40 year old Turkish bathroom. Tonight it is in bits and pieces...but morale is high. In between numerous glasses of tea and cigarette breaks they finished up with the demo around 7pm tonight. We have had a great time working with them today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW! What great neighbors!

I am looking forward to seeing pictures of the finished bathroom.

It is very interesting that you are allowed to remodel a rental.

Take care,

Living, Traveling, and Wandering on the Far Side of the World

Living, Traveling, and Wandering on the Far Side of the World